Mobile applications have become an essential part of everyone’s lifestyle, making almost every task easy. Most people, especially entrepreneurs, believe that creating mobile applications can be a cost-effective way of reaching the company for many recipients. The effective use and benefits of a mobile application are gradually increasing the number of new and recognized companies to launch their own mobile applications. How to create mobile app with JavaScript?
Technically speaking, mobile applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone are coded using different programming languages. The iOS application uses Objective-C, the Android application is coded in Java, and the application for Windows Phone .NET. However, if you have good knowledge of JavaScript, CSS and HTML, you can create amazing mobile applications. Therefore, on this blog we will discuss the best JavaScript platforms for creating mobile applications.
PhoneGap / Cordova
PhoneGap (Apache Cordova distribution) is a programming platform that helps reuse existing programming skills to quickly create hybrid mobile applications built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. That’s why it’s not exactly a JavaScript framework. However, before you start, you need to know about PhoneGap.
Appcelerator’s Titanium is an open source programming platform that lets you create native applications (mobile and desktop) using web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Titanium Mobile SDK is one of the currently most popular cross-platform programming solutions for mobile devices, with over 916109 mobile programmers, and 460, 587, 474 devices use applications driven by accelerator.

Sencha Ext JS
Ext JS (also known as Sencha Touch – both combined in March 2015 in Ext JS 6.0) is considered the only framework that offers optimal solutions for developers creating fast and impressive mobile applications running on Android, iOS, Kindle Fire and more. It contains many creative and useful components that work effectively on all types of mobile applications. Here’s an overview of the features.
Creating native mobile applications
React Native allows us to write native applications in JavaScript for iOS and Android. It gives us the ability to use all native components such as gestures, push notifications, camera and location. There are several other JavaScript libraries for creating mobile applications such as ionic or PhoneGap. But these libraries use Webview, and applications built using these technologies are not native.